


Use an announcement to display an important message across pages.

  • To display a message to a specific audience or group
  • For an important message or announcement
  • To support events or new initiatives
  • If content is very long
  • If there are multiple messages or announcements
  • To advertise secondary or less important content
  • If the message does not have a call to action
  • As alert feedback as the result of user action

Experience types

An announcement displays content to audiences depending on a set of qualifications.

  • Experience A - users who have not registered for the event will see this announcement
  • Experience B - users who have registered for the event will see this announcement on the day of the event or after the event
Two announcements, one showing what it looks like for users who have registered and one showing what it looks like for users that have not registered


Minimum elements

Body text, a call to action, and a close button are required at a minimum. From here, you may customize an announcement to your preference.

Two announcements, one light and one dark, showing the minimum elements required for each color palette.


An announcement is usually placed at the top of a page above the navigation. In rare cases, it can be placed below the hero, but this should be avoided when possible.

An example announcement placed below a page's hero.


The following is a list of things you can do to customize an announcement.

  • Add an inline or background image
  • Change text or call to action content
  • Remove the close button

Inline image

An announcement may include an icon, logo, or something else that adds context or visual interest.

Two annoucements, one without an image, one with a customized image.

On small viewport sizes, an inline image can be positioned to the left or on top of body text.

Two annoucements, one with an image on the left, the other with an image on the top.

Background image

An announcement includes a background color and may include a background image. A background image can be positioned on the left or right. Do not position a background image on the right if there is a close button. Images should not fill the entire background because that might render some text unreadable.

An annoucement with a blue background and background image on the left.

Close Button

An announcement includes a close button, but you may remove it only if absolutely necessary.

Two announcements with blue backgrounds, one with and one without a close button.

Character counts

Use these guidelines to write content that is short and to the point.

Helpful tip

Character counts are estimates, they could end up being shorter or longer when text is translated to other languages.

Announcement character counts
Element Max characters Max lines
Body text 65 1 (2 lines on small viewports)
Call to action 25 1

Responsive Design

Background images will shift or disappear as viewport sizes get smaller.

Four annoucements at different widths showing its responsiveness

Best Practices

Background images

An rh-announcement with the background image positioned on the left

Position a background image away from text that needs to be readable.

An rh-announcement with a repeating background image that decreases text contrast

Do not use a background image that risks text readability.

Dark theme

An announcement with a dark background on top of a main navigation

Use a dark theme announcement if it has a different background color than the navigation.

An announcement with a dark background that matches the main navigation its on top of

Do not use a dark theme announcement if it has the same background color as the navigation.


An rh-alert component

Use an alert for alert use cases.

An announcement with a purple background and top border which looks very similar to an rh-alert

Do not apply alert styling to an announcement.

Other libraries

To learn more about our other libraries, visit the getting started page.